I had a lovely time in Copenhagen, if you eliminate all the stress of waiting for ovulation and trying to get there, of course. I was beginning to wonder if ovulation was ever going to occur. Finally, on the evening of Day 11 it happened - I suppose this is when women on a 28 day cycle normally get ovulation so this time Clomid balanced me rather than making me ovulate extra early. Cue crazy booking of flights and the Wakeup Hotel.
I arrived around 12pm and Dr Svend ushered me in for an ultrasound. I was lucky enough to see 3 nicely maturing follicles, two on the right and one on the left. My left ovary usually hides from the scanner, so I was pleased to see it in action. Each one was around 18mm, so Dr Svend booked me in for an insemination the next day at 10.15. This was also strange for me, as I always have it done the day I arrive and certainly before, what would by then be, Day 13. To be honest, I was glad as I was exhausted from getting up at 4am. I went back to the hotel and crashed out for a few hours.
As luck would have it a friend of mine was in Copenhagen on business so we had a lovely, 3 course, evening meal on Nyhaven Harbour. It was so nice to be with someone you know well and it occurred to me how lonely a trip this can often be. You don't really feel like a tourist because, after all, you're not. I laugh inwardly when a Danish person asks me if I'm on holiday and what I'm doing in Copenhagen. I always say 'I'm visiting', but what I'm thinking is 'I'm here for a shot of your country's finest sperm.' Actually, what I am is a fertility tourist.
The insemination was over in a less than a minute and then I enjoyed a 45 minute acupuncture session with the clinic's resident acupuncturist. It was my treat to myself because it's nearly all over and I wanted to give myself as much chance as possible. It proved to be a brilliant idea. I can honestly say that I went into a lovely state of mind and when it was over, I had the most amazing feeling of wellbeing for hours afterwards. I've had acupuncture before, but it had never had that effect. If you go to Copenhagen Fertilty Centre, book the acupuncture!
I've been back a few days and I'm on 6dpo. Nothing to report really. A few twinges and pokes, but, of course that's the progesterone suppositories. I've chosen to take only 400mg a day because last time it drove me a bit nuts. This seems more manageable. I'm not feeling hot, I don't have any sore boobs and I feel OK generally. Who can tell? I am seasoned enough at this to know that now is around the time implantation takes place and seasoned enough not to obsess about every perceived sign. I haven't gone near any two week wait forums and have booked up next week to the max so I don't think about it. I will test on 9 December, which will be 14 days after the insemination and we will see. I've taken the day off, prepared for the fall out and distress if it's a negative.