Well, I just don't know about this drug. I took it days 3-7 as suggested and the side effects were, thankfully, not too awful. Hot flashes definitely and a good bit of bloating and moodiness, but no nausea, sore breasts or other horrors. The thing of it is that I'm not sure how well it worked because, not having had an ultrasound pre ovulation before, I had nothing to compare it to. On CD6-8 I got ultra hot and had a lot of other tell-tale ovulation signs, but I assumed that it was just the drug because it was far too early. After all Clomid was supposed to delay my ovulation not make it happen earlier. So I didn't test on CD8. I usually test from CD8 onwards. I wrestled with myself on CD9, the morning I booked my follicular scan at the London Ultrasound Centre. Should I test this morning or not? I decided not. I arrived at the clinic and saw the size of my follicles on a super sonic screen. One at 21.5mm and one at 14.5 mm with an endometrium of 8.5 mm. The left ovary couldn't be seen, the little devil. The sonographer estimated ovulation within 24 hours. Damn it I thought - so my body wasn't lying and I was going to ovulate on CD10 - which meant that I would have had an LH surge on CD8 or CD9 in the morning. I had never had one as early as CD8 or before CD9 in the late evening. Can only have been the Clomid.
Cue mental booking of flights, taking a flexi day off and swapping my planned leave on Monday for leave on Friday. Plus much testing using an OPK. Of course, there was no smiley face because I'd missed the surge! However, Copenhagen Fertility Centre were great. They booked me in the next day and said they'd do a further ultrasound first and we'd decide what to do next. The London Ultrasound Centre had emailed over my results and the doctor was very happy with them. The follicles can get quite big on Clomid so it was no guarantee that I would ovulate the next day, though certainly within 24-36 hours. They reassured me that we had a good window and plenty of options! So I geared myself up for a hideous 7 am flight, which meant a 3am rise. Grim.