Perhaps it's just my ill luck, but flights tomorrow are outrageously expensive. Is it a special day in Denmark or is the evil Jinx Fairy having a laugh? I have had to hang on till I ovulated so I don't end up as stressed as last time. My body hasn't let me down. As of 8pm tonight, there's the little smiley face ready for Day 10. I should have just booked my flight last month after all and then I wouldn't be paying as much for a flight as I am for the IUI! So here I am, twenty minutes after seeing the cheery chappy in the pee stick window, desperately trying to book a flight. I've got one, but am having to go all round the houses to get back to London. Still, I've never been to Frankfurt. I am sure the airport terminal is very nice.
This month I really am down to the wire with money. Every penny is acounted for and I'm a little scared that I might not be able to manage for the last two weeks of this month on what I've left myself. However, somehow I will. It could be worth it after all and if it means simple, basic foods, then so be it. At least not drinking alcohol is a major saving. So Copenhagen here I come. 4000 Danish Kroner, check. 200 spare kroner for a coffee and a sandwich, check. Passport, check. Call to Stork Klinik to book the slot, check. Will to live, check...