I consider myself someone who is not easily fooled. I put this down to hard nosed realism - some would say negativity - and a feeling, lately, that this just can't go my way. So, it came as some suprise that after my early and ridiculously faint positive hpt, I found myself fully convinced that I was pregnant. I had every symptom going and all of them matched my last two pregnancies. I just felt pregnant, I really did, just as I had the two times I actually was pregnant. I was so convinced that I worked out a due date, revised my company's maternity policy and checked out what happens if you are made redundant during maternity leave (we're about to be made redundant in the next year). In fact, so convinced was I, that I tested on Saturday, CD25, 15dpiui and a day earlier than I wanted to. You can imagine my utter devastation when it was a very clear negative. I don't know why, but it completely crushed me this time. I was inconsolable and could barely make it out of the flat to go to the supermarket. Every pregnant woman, every tiny child and baby with doting parents just seemed to be on the street or in the supermarket yesterday. I was devastated. I've been through this five times now, so you'd think I would find it easier. I suppose as D Day nears and my time has officially run out I am becoming more upset and distressed by the failures.
I wasted £10.99 on two early response tests, just so I could be sure before I stopped the progesterone and let the inevitable happen. Of course, the test was negative. If such an early response test is negative when it can pick up hcg as early as 6 days prior to your period, there was no denying it, I was most definitely not pregnant. It made me realise that 3-4dpiui when I experienced those tell-tale symptoms of failure - that shivery feeling, a period kind of nausea and a period type of cramp - I was absolutely right to think it had failed. How could I have been so fooled? Well, it seems that even hard nosed realists can be swayed by progesterone. Now I think back, as soon as it had been in my system for a few days, I started getting pregnancy symptoms and away went the 'failure' symptoms. Of course they did, the progesterone had kicked in. At 2 x 400mg per day was it any wonder?
I suppose given the positive double follicle scenario, the two very positive ultrasounds and the perfectly timed insemination, I just couldn't believe it hadn't worked on this first round with Clomid. Well, it didn't. And there we have it. Good FSH, I ovulate on my own and produce mature follicles, but I guess it's time to face the fact that my eggs are just too past it now. I may have been pregnant at 41 and 43 (four months ago), but now it seems it's just a bridge too far.
I'm still upset today and although I will complete two more cycles, making a total of seven in one year, I don't know how I'm going to drag myself through them. This is when being single really sucks. I won't even go in to the debilitating thoughts I had about my ex-partner and the very fertile, 20 something girlfriend he found after me, the horror of facing childlessness and my feelings of abject failure. The truth is today and yesterday have not been good days. I only wish I was the only one going through this because I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I know that across the globe there will be women who know exactly what I'm talking about and exactly how I feel. So my thoughts are with you.